Sunday, April 17, 2005

On Adam's Rib (1949)

"Lawyers should never marry other lawyers. This is called inbreeding, from which comes idiot children and more lawyers...Lawyers should marry piano players or song-writers - or both." [Kip (David Wayne) to Amanda (Katharine Hepburn) in Adam's Rib (1949)]

Do you think this explains Axl Rose or Mick Jagger?

Discuss amongst yourselves.

On Waking Up & Passing The Post

  • How can a ship be headless when there's all of nature to be had?
  • Is quantum uncertainty more uncertain than ordinary uncertainty and may I serve red wine with imported avocado at second Seders?
  • What really happened in Sleepy Hollow.
  • If common sense is really common, why are pomegranate seeds so hard to pick up with hockey gloves? If two heads are better than one, why don't more people use two-holers in winter in Sudbury?
  • What is a headless lawyer and how will this upset the puppies?
  • What is the proper relativistic state for reading this blog?
  • Why are you here? How the heck would I know if you don't tell me? If I was psychic, don't you think I'd have bought Microsoft stock in the late 1970s and early 1980s? If I had, do you really think I'd be typing this blog entry? Don't you think I'd be paying someone like you to do it for me?
  • Should lawyers marry lawyers? (see Adam's Rib with Hepburn & Tracy, not the gawdawful remake, even if Blythe Tanner was still gorgeous then.)
  • Come back in due course for the answers to these and other questions if you're interested in definitive answers to important questions that should trouble intelligent Canadians, answers to even more important questions, and the true story of the missing Shmoon (R) tribes after the demise of Lower Upper Slobbovia (R) ... or, if you've nothing better to do than clean out the sock-lint between your toes before donning your summer sandals.