Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Québécois Reservation

The Lament of the Québécois Reservation Pur Laine

[Sung to the tune of "Indian Reservation (The Lament of the Cherokee Reservation Indian)" performed by The Raiders; song written by John Loudermilk ]

They took the whole Québécois nation
Put us on this reservation
Took away our native tongue
Taught their English to our young
Took away our ancestral ties
Pure wool pulled over our eyes

Québécois nation, Québécois tribe ...

Anyway, let's not forget:

One nation, indivisible ...



Wrong country.

Never mind.

Saturday, November 25, 2006

Of Mice and Men; Of Machines and Men

Mice are becoming bigger, faster and smarter.
Man is becoming bigger, faster and dumber.

Machines are becoming smaller, faster and smarter.
Man is becoming bigger, faster (sometimes) and dumber.

(Even if we eliminate Jim Carey and Adam Sandler).

Does anyone see a trend?


November 25, 2006 (still C.E.)

Or, peccavi, for those who are offended.

Last week, in Ottawa, Ontario, Canada

  • a tiny, not-so-perfect Finance Minister implied that, for accounting purposes, it is permissible to talk about doing things you are not supposed to do with money that doesn't belong to you so long as you don't actually do those things, and

  • the Supreme Court of Canada also concluded it's permissible to have bad thoughts so long as one doesn't act on them (too much).

The irony! the irony!

Lenny B, we need you.

And still gone walkabout, but I couldn't resist the (in)congruity.